Algarkirk parish council meeting was held on Tuesday 10 November 2020 at 7.20pm.

In attendance: 

  • Councillor D Reid (Chairman)
  • Councillors S Walker (Vice Chairman), M Spiller, E Walker, G Reid
  • Ms D Slade (Clerk)

Chairmans remarks:

Welcome to meeting and hoping Council can meet in person next year.

Declarations of interest:


Apologies for absense:

Boston Borough Councillor M Cooper, Councillor E Taylor.

Police report:


Minutes of the meeting held on 13 Octover 2020:

It was resolved the minutes be approved and signed, proposed by Councillor S Walker, seconded by Councillor M Spiller, and agreed. Clerk to collect minutes in person later in the week.

Outstanding matters from previous meeting

Nothing to report.

Clerks report of issues arising from previous meeting:

Mile-Stone – Report of cast iron Mile-Stone collapse on the A17 between Fosdyke and Sutterton. This has been stood up back in place, however it maybe down to grass cutting that it keeps being knocked over. Councillor M Brookes has advised the refurb project may relocate permanently the Mile-Stone in a slightly different position, so grass cutting will no longer knock Mile-Stone over.

Sanitiser station – Clerk has confirmed the application has been approved by Councillor M Brookes and awaiting bank statement to show money transfer from the Lincolnshire County Council Covid-19 Community Fund. Councillors are very appreciative of this funding, and Councillor M Spiller will arrange fitting once station has arrived.

Fly tipping – No update reported.

Councillors issue:

Councillor M Spiller has informed the council there is mud on the road at the junction of Church Lane and A17 and is very slippery. Councillor M Brookes has advised Councillor M Spiller to contact the highways Customer Service as this is dangerous. Councillor M Spiller will report in the morning.

Lincolnshire County Council matters and Boston Borough Council information:

Councillor M Brookes has advised the County Council Views Panel is still open to join. Councillor D Reid has requested the link to be re-send. Clerk to re-send.

New website:

Councillor G Reid has not had chance to look at new website due to work commitments. Councillor M Spiller has stated she cannot log onto old website. Clerk will forward link.

Finance report:

  • Clerks Salary £161.85
  • Clerks Training £129.48

Clerk has confirmed there are no further courses booked for this year that will need attending.

Councillor D Reid and S Walker have worked through the precept and the clerk will update on excel. The footpath and grass cutting has been increased as bill has not been received yet. The funding for the newsletter has been allocated to the new website for future competitions.

It was resolved the accounts to be paid, proposed by Councillor M Spiller, seconded by Councillor S Walker, and agreed.


  • B/20/0375
    To extend the existing dropped kerb at the front of the property to provide vehicular access to the driveway at 4 Boston Road, Algarkirk, Boston, PE20 2HF. Councillor S Walker has visited property and it already has a partially dropped kerb. No Comments to be made.
  • B/20/0393 -
    Change of use to use from Agricultural use to Class B2 (General Industry)  for the processing and supplying of fuel wood, wholesale and retail (Retrospective application) at The Chestnuts, Green Lane, Algarkirk, Boston PE20 2AD

Members of the council have requested that some measures be taken if possible, due to effect on the community, as there are some elderly residents with possible breathing conditions. The smoke in the air is currently more noticeable, this could be down to wind direction.

Date of next meeting: 

The next meeting will be held on 12 January 2021 commencing at 7.20pm with a 10 minute public forum, if required. Due to Covid regulations a notice will be sent to confirm whether meeting will be held at the village hall or via video call.

The meeting was closed at 8.00pm.